Thursday, March 27, 2008


I never thought I'd do a post and call it that, these are just a collage of random pictures from the last couple weeks.

Having a water fight in the patio, it's such a blessing that the kids can get entertain for hours with simple things that don't cost much like splashing water around. We made a morning out of washing the stroller, highchair and muddy shoes, so after they had all "helped" with the task and were already all wet ... well the fun just went on a little longer.

Alex was sick, and Janine accompanied him for a little video watching.

Oh she was so happy that she was able to chew on that mango for a good while, undetected with all the "just arrived market hub".


Making Pizza with aunty Cristal

Looking "a la moda" during a barbecue.

More water fun...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

12 months= 1 year old

With this my little baby turns into a toddler, it's been fun to watch her grow from the first time she smiled to now walking everywhere. Life is such a daily miracle.
Birthday cake and party will have to wait until daddy comes back. But untill then here are a few pictures for the faithful readers that have kept visiting while my little bloggy was taking a mini vacation. A more elocuent post will have to wait..till then...remember you are loved.