Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Benji's Birthday

That's Benji turning three.
Since daddy isn't home we decided to just do a special breakfasts and celebrate when we are all together. He's a real character. He's an Aquarius. The most stubborned baby I have yet seen.
This morning everyone in the home went up to my bedroom to sing him "Happy Birthday " while he got his traditional breakfast in bed. Other years we've done it just our little family, but this time, I was quite surprised at his reaction. He curled up in a corner between the pillows and didn't even want to blow out his candle, his dear brother didn't mind helping with that.
I'm positive that if it wasn't because there was people all around he would have tried to hide somewhere.
I was quite disappointed myself since his "birthday" was turning out rather different then the perfect replay I had envisioned in my head.
Once every one left he was himself again and happily open his gifts.
I guess the moral of the story is things don't alway play out the way you imagined them, and in those times when you want everything to be perfect, sometimes it doesn't happen that way, but it can still be special; it doesn't have to be perfect to be special.

Later on, I was feeling a bit bummed out about it, thinking that the only special thing I was gonna do for him on his birthday, breakfast, was a flop, and the Lord reminded me of that story in LOG #2 , when he's turning 9 or 8 and his friends get together and organize a surprise BD party. His reaction to the lights turning on and the cheering and Happy Birthday song is to run away and hide for the rest of the day. I'm sure glad Benji didn't do that. :D


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Benji..what a big boy!!
Good line sister..."It doesn't have to be perfec to be special!"
I know what you mean..had quite a few parties and special ocasions like that! ha!
Love and prayers for you and the kiddos, Aurora

Wild Flower said...

He's Aquarius alright. I also hide away in my birthdays. (I did that this year and I'm already 25). Dad was Aquarius too. Cute story. Kids are so fun!

Anonymous said...

belated Happy Birthday to Benji. Please tell him that we love and miss him.
Grandma and Grandaddy

PS: I finally commented, ha