These past weeks have been some of the hardest in my life, it seamed the whole world crumbled around me, at least my world, my little bubble of a world; my dreams, expectations, years of sacrifices, when all was said and done, it was worth nothing.
It’s an indescribable feeling to see your dreams shatter into a thousand peaces and an even worse one to realize that you’ve wasted time on something that was a mistake even if the Lord tries to recycle the situation to bring some good out of it . It’s a form of death which comes along with a grieving process while you bury your dreams and dare to hope that one day soon you’ll have the strength to dream new dreams.
Life lesson , the ones that mark your life, your thinking and behavior usually come at a pretty high personal cost, maybe that’s what it takes to make them stick . I’ve learned the hard way that trust is earned not handed to anyone, and that seeing the good in people even when there’s none is not a virtue. Real friends are few and it’s in the difficult times that you find out who they are.
We’ve had to make some of the most difficult decision in our lives, and let me tell you, having four little kids makes me desperate in praying to get it right
There’s nothing left to do but to start over, so we’re starting over, the winds of change are moving and so are we. After being in
Bright kid 3
Bright kid 4.
I told you so.
Dear sis,
I feel for you...I know what you are talking about, I know the feeling, and it's hard...but I know He will care for you and your loved ones as He has cared for me and my little ones time and again( I'm still in the process of recovering from one of those shattered dreams ...It really it's amazing what we can endure when we cling to Him!
"Pero Yo he rogado por ti, que tu fe no falte" Luc.22:32
Love you and praying for you guys!
xx Ines
Querida amiga,
Solo puedo decirte que comparto contigo ese sentir, estoy en el mismo barco, aunque ya estuve alli una vez...aqui estoy otravez y solo puedo decirte no dejemos que "alguien" nos robe el derecho de sonar, no nos quedemos en el pasado prosigamos hacia adelante con los ojos puestos en la meta, El nos sacara adelante mas una vez. Cosas que ojos no vio son las que El tiene preparadas para nosotros. Animo, puedes contar conmigo....
Sorry to hear ali, be praying for you guys...but Changes are always exciting & the Lord will always bring something good out of it...if we just remember surely are blessed...we miss you & you should come visit sometime....or us you. Sounds like you're the States or something?? Well..I wish you guys all the best in your next endevours..LY tonzzz Besos y Abrazos XXOO
Dear Ali,
I read this post and it almost made me cry. I guess I'm going through the same thing and I'm having to start over from scratch, just me and my little boy. There's lot of hurt and pain involved.
I'll really pray for you and your beautiful little family. Jesus never abandons his own, especially not the little children. What we gave, we gave to Jesus. It doesn't matter what others do to us, Jesus saw it all and it wasn't in vain. He'll clear out the way through the storm, if we can hold on long enough to wait for the rainbow. Just pick up from you're at, and keep going. I love you!
Love you Ali!
Praing for you!
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