Saturday, April 7, 2007

Easter Week

The kids finished school this week and finally caught up on correcting their work and finishing what they had to accomplish for the month according to their year curriculum. They got a bit behind because I had the baby. I’m glad their pretty much up to date now. They deserve some vacations, they’ve been working hard.

We’re going to have some days off this next week, I’m looking forward to that, I feel spent.

just to enjoy fellowship, go slow, have extra word, have some home outings together, spend time with the kids and have some meetings. Everyone needs a brake sometimes!

Feels weird to be the first one down stairs, since I’m usually almost the last one for breakfast in the mornings, and I whish it was because I sleep but reality is it takes me a while to get the four of us dress, go through the changing diaper routine, potty time, make three beds and leave the room semi tidy…regardless of 'sleep in mornings' or not the kids always wake up at the same time.

I’m still struggling on how to manage with the new addition…I guess I’ll get the hang eventually. I’m happy I’m not having as many retarded feelings any more.

On a different subject, my husband is coming home next week.

And since it’s Easter I’ve been spending more time with my kids in the afternoons which is nice, I took them out witnessing a couple times to the park, we took some tracks along and talked to people, Alex really enjoys it, I need to teach him the salvation prayer. Having the three little guys along is a great conversation starter…which turns out to be a witnessing opportunity.

Happy Easter Week everyone, remember to thank our Heavenly Father for making the greatest sacrifice of all; sacrificing His son that we may all have life and not just life …. but life abundant!