Monday, February 19, 2007

Of Babies and Pregnancy

I’m officially 38 weeks pregnant according to which is a really awesome site, in fact, the best I’ve found related to everything to do about babies, pregnancy and you name it. It builds a weekly calendar of your pregnancy which is very nice, it has a lot of helpful information on every topic, how your baby is growing, symptoms or discomforts you could experience during your pregnancy, it also has a very interesting Video Library section, I imagine very helpful for first mommies that are not sure of what to expect during labor and birth.

I always feel a little bit anxious during the last stretch of pregnancy. On one hand you just want to get it over with already, you are tired of being tired, of looking big ( specially when your 3 year old comments that you are getting soooooo fat) and on the other hand your life is about to change, it’s never going to be the same after ..and ,well, we humans usually resist change. The good thing is the Lord is control and does all things well, I guess He lets me feel a little bit anxious so that I’m just as desperate in prayer, depending and trusting Him every step of the way.

I’ve learned a lot of invaluable lessons during this pregnancy. Lessons on trusting the Lord. Lessons on faith. Lessons on love. Lessons on understanding. Lessons on resting on the Lord, Lessons on priorities and the things that are truly important in life. Lessons on pride and humility… just to name a few. During those times letters like A Labor of Love, Stress not and Jesus is Enough made all the difference in the world and put things back into perspective for me. The Lord is so faithful to time out things exactly when we need them and to speak to our hearts if we let Him.

And for my wonderful home that’s put up with all my moody swings, crying spells and been so supportive through it all...THANK YOU!


Nathan said...

That baby looks like she wants out!
Your looking good sweety! Love you!

Nathan said...

I was just looking at the pictures again, this one's SO ROUND! lol

Marie said...

ya...who told u about the wonderful was a great blessing to me too.