Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Time is a funny thing. It goes by so fast, yet sometimes it seams things take for ever to happen, materialize or come to pass. People refer to a "whole lifetime" as if it was so much time and yet life is short, really. It must be one of those ironies of life. It seams like it was just Christmas and now we are already in March; winter left ... spring is on its way.
Ever since I was a little kid it was impressed upon me the need to use time wisely, to accomplish something in our short existence here on earth, to make a difference with the gift of life. The greatest gift really. I pray I can live up to that and never look at my life with regret, I hope never to have things that " I whish I had done" but didn't do. People I wished I had loved but didn't, I hope I can always treasure the gift of life and live each day like if it were the last.
Life really is short, time flies by, it doesn't wait for anything or anyone it just keeps on. I see it in my kids, it seams like yesterday that Alex was a little baby with his big inquisitive blue eyes crawling around and now, he tries to use all these more fancy words and phrases that have never been part of his vocabulary but that he hears grown ups use, like “actually" and "let me think about it, mom" or "Oh, my gosh!". Kids grow way too fast. He says the cutest mispronunciations, for instance, this morning he was done with his school so I asked him to help lil brother Benji with his, he just had to finish matching some shapes. So Alex goes over to where Benji is sitting and tells him; "Benji, you have to listen to my constructions" ( instead of instructions). I had a good laugh!...All to say... It's those little things, little treasured memories that make life special, enjoy them because time flies.