Saturday, May 19, 2007


My son Alex is growing so much, I can't believe that in a couple months he's going to be four years old. He's doing really well in school; he's done amazing progress reading in spanish and in learning his numbers. Thanks Angelina for the faithful consisting care you've poured into him.

Alex is going through a new stage in his life, where reality and fantasy are mixing together. He wakes up from nap or in the mornings and he tells me stories of what happened to him, obviously in his dreams. I'm not very sure if he can tell the difference between something that really happened and something that he dreamed about. For instance after my rest day he told me how they had gone to this particular park and very detailed things of what happenend there, I was a little surprised because they don't usually go to that park and decided to double check it after so later on I asked the person that had been with him that afternoon about it, and such thing had never happen. It worries me a little specially because it can quickly become a habit of not saying the truth or lying.
I hope it's a stage he outgrows fast.
I've been questioning the things he tells me lately.
During dinner I had specifically given him instructions to first eat his food and then have the cut up whatermelon that was next to his plate. Next time I looked at his plate I noticed there was at least one piece of the fruit missing. I asked him about it, hopping to not have to discipline him for saying an outright lie. He was very sure and strong on the point that he didn't eat it. So I thought to myself maybe someone else ate it. I asked him once more if he had eaten it. His reply was: "No, mom, I didn't eat it, my teeth did".


Wake said...

LOL... I'm sorry I found that extremely funny, I understand your concern... but maybe it's the matter of asking the right question. Oh God, that was just so funny.

Anonymous said...

What a clever little guy! Ha! So funny that last line...
Well around 3-4 Ricky went through a phase like that, he's imagination was very alive and he would tell me this stories, dreams, etc. as If they had really, really happened..or yes , just telling me he did something when it wasn't the case...I did worry at the time, scolding him didn't work well as he will just get more set his position: "Mom it's true" "It did happen!" I prayed for him, the Lord showed me to read him from the word...One that really help was "Telling the truth!" LWG1 as it shows well the difference between pretending and lying. Also "Honesty" KMop and "Don't cry wolf,wolf"LWG1.
I was happy when he got over that as he would then say: Mom, listen "I'm going to tell you a story, but I'm just pretending here,OK" Ha!