Sunday, May 6, 2007


I think this week I've only posted once, if even. It usually is because you don't have any thing to say or share with the world. I think everyone has something to share, I just haven't said much because I've been busy, quite busy. By the time I'm free, it's usually late and all I want to do is go to bed.
Life, these past couple of weeks, has been filled with meetings, school, babies and kids.
I have, however, made a few resolutions that I hope I can turn around and make habits of, and not just nice thoughts of things I would like to do or would be nice if they worked out sometime in the abstract future. I know they are just going to make me more busy, but then again, I like being busy.
My first resolution is going to sound a little wrong , since it's something I should have been doing but haven't, which is to work out. I use to work out , really I did, a long time ago.. well... before I started having kids. I was very faithful to do it everyday, but in the last few years it was what usually went out the window first, it become the ''if I have time" thing and slowly but surely it wasn't happening... in the beginning with a little nagging thought of how I should be exercising and later with no guilt thought at all... I know it sounds bad ...but that's how it went.

I 've been doing exercise for two weeks now, and this is even sadder, the first week I wasn't able to do a full sit up..and, believe me, I tried.. I could only get up half way, a crunch, I concluded I had no lower stomach muscles left, last week I was able to do 3 full sit ups, yay!!... I know, pathetic progress but progress none the less.

My second resolution is to learn how to drive, I really, really want to learn how to drive, there's something wrong about having two cars in the garage and having to go places by taxi or bus.

My third resolution is to educate myself in using Photoshop... I don't think is that complicated but it does take time, time is usually my enemy when it comes to doing new things, just because I don't know where to fit it in.
I'll stop talking about my self now.. since my hubby is begging me to use the computer. Till next time.


Nyx Martinez said...

Ha, those are the three resolutions I always unsuccessfully commit to.


Anonymous said...

ha! I'm right there with you! I did get my license, but I still need to perfect the skill.
I am pretty faithful to work out, but it's always a fight to get in shape after a baby. Don't be too hard on yourself about the sit ups. Last year , before I got pregnant I could do them no problem, but you should see me now.
And Photoshop, don't get me started, better yet, don't get Sam started!! I'll pray for you!