Monday, May 14, 2007

The Retreat.

I got back today from the National Retreat, it was hosted in Uruapan, Mich. A bit over a hundred people attended. It was not the usuall retreat, the classed were about deeper topics and were very annointed. A lot of Active Members gave their testimonies and shared what the Lord has done and is doing in their lives. I was very happy to be able to go, even though I helped with the kids most of the time, during class time, that was fun too. Ayleen was entertainment number one with the little kids they all wanted to carry her and push the stroller. She loved all the attention and behaved real well the whole time. There was also a wedding, Perla and Danny got married, so sweeeeeet!!..dressing up for the occasion was fun...dancing after was even funner. Lots of personal witnessing. Also got to see old friends, which was great, and made some new friends including a certain individual that never talked to me in the past because according to him I looked "stuck up"...really folks I m nice. Pictures coming up tomorrow.


Gabe Rucker said...

Really folks she IS nice!!!