Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Benji has oficially started his why stage. If I tell him to do something or I ask for his help and he turns around, looks at me with his big brown eyes, and asks me why?.
His talking is a lot more clear and thankfully I'm no longer the only one that can understand when he talks, poor baby, he would often get frustrated because no one could make out what he was saying. It was a bit of a guessing game. He really wants to talk more but still has some difficulty pronouncing some of the phonics. But progress is progress and I'm sure happy he's making it. As a parent and teacher you realize all your kids are different, they all will eventually learn to talk and learn to ask when they need to use the bathroom, and they all will eventually learn to read, but at their own pace, preasure doesn't help a bit when it comes down to learning to things. You can't compare one of your child's progress with another, just like the Lord doesn't compare your progress against the progress of another one of His Children. Thankfully He takes us where we are at and slowly and patiently shows us the road, much like a parent with his kids.