Monday, January 14, 2008

God is good.

I feel happy, even though this past year wasn't filled with exciting adventures, fellowship and trips to cool places.
I feel content, even thought I don't have a very showy ministry,showy gifts or showy talents. I feel at peace even though the battles were severe and I felt my strength run thin.
I feel good even thought this year was filled with personal sacrifices and forsakings.
I feel thankful even though I spent a lot of time away from people I care and love.
I feel grateful even though I felt my faith being tested and I don't think I scored to well.

Isn't it good to be alive...
Life is fair and God is good, there's a lot of truth in that little saying... the Lord recently brought that to my attention, I guess I'm pretty thick sometimes and I confess it wasn't a very easy lesson to learn.
I know He will more then repay every seeming sacrifice, wipe every tear and love every hurt away...I know I'll thank Him for the trials and the hard sayings.
I'm looking forward to Heaven.